
December Dress-Up Here is your Challenge!

Anything with wings! Think about it... in the northern hemisphere, Christmas time, what do we have, but ANGELS singing and what about the warmer climates to the south? How about FAIRIES! From Angels to Fairies... that is a wide spectrum of design choices! From delicate dragon fly wings to heavy multi layered angel wings.... what beautiful elements to create and add to a dress of your choice!

I look forward to seeing all your submissions!

This has been an incredible year of creativity within the seemingly limited parameters of paper dresses.  Collectively we have witnessed artistic blossoming, design challenges met with gusto and so much variation.  I have really loved being involved with this year long challenge and have been honored to be hosting it for the last part of the year.  Thank you Angela, for launching this project for 2011 and for creating such beautiful submissions.  I am interested to hear whether people are inspired for another year of dresses or whether YOU would like to move to another passion?  I've seen purses and tags and bags and of course artist trading cards... what about shoes? chairs or other furniture? hats, animals, houses, faces, any ideas clicking here? What about recycle or upcycle projects with monthly themes? Tell me what you think!

Have a beautiful day
with love and best wishes

Here is the link tool for December's Dress-up


  1. Thanks for Dress Up chellenge!

  2. Thank YOU for participating! Your dresses are beautiful! - Liza

  3. Can you nring more business cads to LPL? Your June installation of, A YEAR OF 100 DRESSES is wonderful!! Been taking cell photos & psting them on fb so people not coming to Lawrence or out of state can oodle over them!! My page lists them erroneously as "my art" I keep making notes that I.am NOT the author &list your blog address!! I will tell you people love them!!! Dalia

  4. Thanks Dalia - I will attempt to send you an email... send me your fb page name and we can "fan" each other!
    I rarely get comments or that many views of my blog so i apologize for not getting back to you sooner!


Thanks for the note!

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